September 30th is the deadline for purchasing a ticket to the mystery luncheon and bus ride to Peddlers village, PA, on November 13. Note: a discount is available for those who would like to drive directly to the event. Full info: Murder Mystery Luncheon Peddlers Village, Pennsylvania The cost for the bus ride, a ticket to the Murder Mystery Luncheon and a donation to the Saint Vincent food pantry on November 13, 2021 will be $110.00. The bus seats 49 people so if you are interested in going, please reserve your seat early by making your check payable to Saint Vincent de Paul and list on the memo line of the check peddlers village. Please mail your check to Saint Vincent de Paul church - 979 avenue C - Bayonne, NJ 07002. You can also enclose your check in an envelope and place in the rectory mail slot or drop it in the collection during each mass. Deadline to reserve a seat is 9/30/21.